Uncoupled Coffee

I was sitting having a coffee at my favorite cafe. My note app on my cell phone was open and I was thinking about what story to write about. Sometimes you don't have to think, you just have to listen. Two tables away a couple were having a highly, overly, caffeinated conversation. They apparently didn't realize that decaf was an option. 

They didn't care if the whole cafe knew they were having marital problems. Everyone in earshot knew. How could I not; they were right next to me. There I was pretending I was doing research. I was doing research alright. 

You never listen to me, she said. You ignore me. The man said nothing. Then he tried to defend himself but he knew she was right. So he took a big breath and just let her rant. Eventually she stopped. Why? Exhaustion and she needed to tinkle.
She got up and said sharply, I'm going to the restroom. Announced she was going to the restroom. He was still recovering from the verbal assault. Numbed by the flurry of jabs, asked her where she was going. This didn't help her mood. When she came out of the restroom, it was clear that she had not rested. She looked at him and he looked at her. There was nothing left to say but I think get off your ass were leaving was implied. Her body language and a new wrinkle that had just appeared on her face, said it all.

They said goodbye to the staff. The grumpy man opened the door for his wife. The wife was almost committed but saw a collection of items on a shelf next to the opened door. What an opportunity to piss her husband off even more. She took her time perusing the shelf, checking prices and laughing outload inside. They finally exited and life was good for this guy, me, to write about the story. I guess, when one door closes, another opens. End of story.


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