Manscape vs Landscape

A bird in a nest trying to hop into another nest. That was the norm in the seventies. I won't say any more. Okay maybe this. 

A well kept yard says a lot about a man

If a man lets his grass grow, it's not because he forgot to get gas for the mower. There's also a good chance that he's let something else grow too. If you're okay with that, all the power to you. 

Maybe the front yard is nice but he thought he could skip weed whacking the base of the tree. Who's going to look that close anyway? 

If for some reason this guy lets you in don't look at the back yard. If it a looks like train wreck there's probably a derailed train hiding somewhere.

I have seen many homes occupied by divorce men. Nothing says you're hurt, single, lazy, a slob and not looking, like a messy front yard. 

One more tip.  If both the front yard and back yard are cut and trimmed to perfection he's probably gay.

This  has been a bit wordy. Thanks for stopping by. Hey! Nice yard.


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