Christmas Memories
It was the day before Christmas and all through the land
Having insomnia was not part of my plans
So I with my laptop, think back to when
To remember Christmas, way back then
The wish-book was thrown on every front porch
With ideas inside to light up the torch
We would look through and dog-ear the pages
There were toys for all and for all ages
My father would clip lights onto the eaves
In hope that the light bulbs would work, please
But every year it was no surprise
Off to hardware store for more supplies
Inside the house my mother reigned supreme
Hanging garland on every expose beam
She sang Christmas songs and it was smooth sailing
She even had garland wrapped around the stairway railing
The tree was trimmed and nailed to the floor
Because my dad didn't want to fight with it anymore
My mother joyfully filled every open space
With tinsel and bows and frilly lace
My dad sat back drinking coffee with cream
Pretending not to notice that the tree had a lean
He had just reclined to take a nap
Mumble the words, would you look at all this crap
The smell of Christmas filled the air
Bake goods and candy everywhere
There was only one rule and the one thing you couldn't choose
Keep your hands off your Dad's can of cashews
But once in a while when he was in his chair asleep
Slowly I'd slitter to take a little peek
Surely he couldn't hear me pry open the lid
Inside that can my little hand slid
I know now but I wished I knew then
Having a cashew allergy would eventually bite me in the end
But that salty buttery goodness was such a delight
If I just had one that would be alright
The house was filled Christmas music
My mother would help them sing
We had the Carpenters, Andy
Perry and of course Bing
We kids would sit at the kitchen table
Crafting things that we were able
With paint, paper, glitter and glee
The floor was littered with paper snow flake debris
Seeing my father waking up from his nap
My mother would put the tube on in a snap
My dad would watch a three channel TV
There was nothing but snow and the guide was a tree
When the Christmas eve was upon us we'd go to bed
But we'd hide on the stairway and listen for hear Santa instead
My mother always wise to our schemes
Would peak around the corner, oh how we screamed
Now you kids get back to bed , I don't want to hear a peep
Santa will know if you don't sleep
We would lay in our wool blanket cocoon
In hope that morning would come real soon
The sun peaked through a frosted window
The sounds of rustling from the living room below
Woke us from our slumber
and down the stairs we'd lumber
It was Christmas morning.
The tree was a glittering beacon of hope
Hope was a wrapped gift under a needleless tree
It was a picture of joy, of love, of glee
Within five minutes the room was a big paper ball
Ribbons and bows thrown from wall to wall
Mom and Dad in a Christmas camouflage on the couch
Drinking coffee trying not to pass out
The room was filled with kid in pj's
Each on the the floor with new games and toys to play
The smell of breakfast filled the air
A home filled with love and so many memories to share
Merry Christmas everyone. Take a moment today to remember and share.
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